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Sunday, 7 December 2008

Painting/Fluff: Sallies/ paint station.

Painting: Hi all, I have recently made a paint station so I can easily transport my painting, pics will follow shortly. I have also nearly finished my Sterngaurd and have nearly finished painting my first Sallie.

Fluff: The small spearhead of the Salamander: Dark Inferno had a mix of black and green armour, some troops dedicated themselves to the Salamanders cause and so garb themselfs in black. This small force was sent into a large Volcano on the planet 51L3 (Changread) in search of a special blade forged of pure magma. After waiting 10 years the force was deemed dead and the Salamanders left the planet. When eventually the Dark Inferno did reapear they were scorched and dirty, they had to defent for a long perioid against the threat from Changread.

A force of Terran Hands were lost in the warp and when in search of their lost fleet they stumbled upon the Dark Inferno, the Terran Hands were sucked onto the surface of the planet by its gravity field, once on the planet they met the Dark Inferno and decided to work as one to try and make a differance in the sectors around them namely: Archon, Deciduis, Clamatorius, Meadrack, Prentorus and Stargorearas.

The force now fights as one and almost always works together.
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