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Wednesday, 29 April 2009

FTW: Why I blog.

This is a serious set of reasons why I blog, as it says in my blog description, this blog is about my outlook on the game as a kid and all the stuff I do hobby wise, whether that is just letting out some thoughts or putting up pics of a model I am proud of, so here are my reasons to blog:

1) It gives me something to do in spare time.
2) It keeps me updated on whats going on.
3) I'm a kid and I need an outlet to calm myself down, this blog is like a part of me, it is an extension of my mind, when I need to think about something becide school then I plan the next post for here.
4) It allows me to show my work and get feedback on my models, my tactics and what I do.

There are many other reasons why I blog mut they are the main ones. My blog is not focussed on one thing, my blog subolises me as a blogger, a gamer, a painter and much more, if you asked me what I was most proud of on my blog or what symbolises my blog, I would say I honestly blog because it makes me part of an ever open comunity, that is always awake. I men I have 104 blogs on my blogroll, I get a ton of updates every day and I just love having accses to all that information and that other people gain, just that tiny little bit of extra comunity from my blog, so thats why I blog!
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