So, I was listening to various podcasts and found about a band called bolt thrower, they are quite old but have loads of albums all dedicated to 40k, AWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEE!!!!!!!!!
I have downloaded 2 of their songs from Itunes on my itouch and it is ver good rock-heavy metal, the stuff I downloaded is mainly tune witrh what sounds like an ork losing his voice but in tune singing at parts. Its a good listen and I highly recomend it.
Download a few of their tunes and tell us what you think, thanks for reading,
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Music: Bolt Thrower, dedicated 40K band!
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11:01:00 am
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Blood Bowl: Pc game=AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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11:50:00 am
So, at christmas I got Blood Bowl for the Pc, since then I have been playing pretty solid, It's really enjoyable. I have played with a vcariety of teams and so far my favorite races are lizzies, chaos, dwarfs and Orcs, I have been doing best with orcs. The online play is ace but I've been doing more in the campaign because I can pause it. More updates to come! Thanks for reading,
Monday, 28 December 2009
Tutorials: adding that extra bit (reedeemer).
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10:42:00 am
So, here we are you tutorial loving people, pictures and a tutorial of the extra bits on the reedeemer. Here we go:
Firts we have writing, this is an eccelent was to add character, ty last tutorial was on how to do this!
Then there is free hand art. Now, I am no artist but I have done some devbout symbols etc then washed them out slightly with a mix of brown green and grey making them look like hand written scripts etc that have been there for days!
The next bit is killl markings and scripts, always writte a little squigly line on purity seals and on guns it is sometimes a good idea to write on kill markings (x's).
Here is another example, I have written Ts'Kar on it which is the drivers name. Hard to see I know.
Thats it people, what do you think, thanks for reading,
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Salamanders: Reedeemer finished (pics included).
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11:13:00 am
So, I have finally finished the Reedeemer, the pics below show it in it's done form but the tutorial for this one was adding that extra bit so you will only see it with that extra bit when I post up the tutorial (will be up soon). Anyway, finishing this puts my painting points total up to 8 so, not doing to bad. I have also realised that I have two land speeders to finish so they have been added to the project list below. The pics are under the project list/
4pts 2 half done land speeders for terran hands, tutorial: not sure.
2pts LR-built-painted-needs some slight changes tutorial: repainting.
-2pts 5scouts- built tutorial: cloth
5pts 10sallies- nearly done tutorial: conversions on regular guys.
4pts Rhino-built-primered tutorial: getting nice flat colours and possibly line highlighting.
3pts 2sallies rhinos- need details tutorial: writing on tanks.
2pts Dread-needs some repairing and some redoing tutorial: adding to models.
5pts 5assault marines: built tutorial: adding the combat image.
1pts some reapir work. tutorial: probably none.
SPACE WOLVES Tutorials: not sure yet
3pts Drop pod-built
10pts 20 grey hunters- 20 built
-1pts 5wolf scouts-built
3pts 4long fangs-built
4pts Whirlwind-half built
3pts 4wolf guard- built
2pts Rune priest- built
2pts 10 blood claws- need highlights
P.S. I have included the wolf guard joining units in that units cost.
Warriors Of Chaos
6pts 5knights- built-primerd-1 nearly done. tutorial:washes and magic
3pts warshrine-primered-more being added. tutorial: scratch building.
5pts 12 WoC- built primered. tutorial:adding to units maybe
3pts 12 WoC-need details. tutorial:fur
12pts 15 marauder cav- built tutorial: painting black skin maybe more.
10pts 20 marauders- need details tutorial: wood
-4 Palanquin- built- partialy painted tutorial: intricate nurgle
-6 to do but +3 when done Lord on disk tutorial: probably fire.
-3 odd dude from Games Day- built tutorial: random models.
Anyway, here are the pics:
I'm quite pleased with this actually, how about you. Thanks for reading,
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Discussions: #14, Christmas and 40k.
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1:55:00 am
So, I was wondering, do you like the idea of getting 40k as a christmas present. Now I know a lot of you scream yes (including myself) but but what mean is more for a starting player, is it a good way to drag in a friend or help out an excited beginner. It's just because a lot of people I know only get to spend big cash or be bought big things at christmas so if they end up not liking it then it's a massinve deal, it's not like a video game where you just go and trade it in. So, tell us, do you think christmas is the best time to start 40ik by asking for it. I personaly do, how about you! Come on people join in! Thanks for reading,
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Polls: What basing for Space Wolves (pictures included).
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4:20:00 am
So, I have tried out some different ideas on spare bases. I did not paint these bases first but I will do in future. Please vote on the poll (left sidebar at the top) to help me decide on which one. If you have an opinion that needs to be expplaned then please vote and comment. Any ideas on base painting colour would be appreciated as well. Here come the pics:
Base no.1: gravel and grass.
Base no.2: gravel & snow/melted snow.
Base no.3: grass & snow & gravel
Base no.4: gravel & ice/snow.
So, which one do you like most. Left column, VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for reading,
Friday, 18 December 2009
Notes: (please view yesterdays discussion) Holidays.
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10:25:00 am
First off, sorry about yesterdays discussion (#13) I published it but not on auto time so it was put up like it was done a few days back, SORRY!!! Now onto the real post.
I have just broken up for christmas today and I'm looking forward to the 25th, this holiday I plan to try and finish the land raider, rhino and tac squad and I may start something else. I'm doing OK with my Army Finishing Project and I just need to keep ploghing on with getting painting sessions.
If you have any messages for me then please either comment or email me at
Please enter the soap box (details on left side bar) if you are a new blogger or an older one with a topic that you don't want on your blog.
Thanks for reading,
I have just broken up for christmas today and I'm looking forward to the 25th, this holiday I plan to try and finish the land raider, rhino and tac squad and I may start something else. I'm doing OK with my Army Finishing Project and I just need to keep ploghing on with getting painting sessions.
If you have any messages for me then please either comment or email me at
Please enter the soap box (details on left side bar) if you are a new blogger or an older one with a topic that you don't want on your blog.
Thanks for reading,
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Discussions: #13 Gaming group habits, cock dice and measuring.
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10:03:00 am
Hi, today I want to talk about something that is very specific at tourneys but can be more vague at gaming groups, I'm talking about cock dice and over measuring, anyway, on with my explanation.
First up, measuring. At touneys your opponents will be very strict on this but maybe not at gaming groups, first off I don't mean when people do this maliciouly because that is down right wrong, let me give an example. You are having a friendly game with a decent beginner who is 16, when measuring the movement for his assault marines he is moving them between 12-13'' rarther than max 12, he is constantly doing this but he doesn't look like it is on purpose, he is just moving his hand slightly as he moves the unit. What do you do?
Number 2 is when you get a cock die, this is when a dice lands on a crooked pice of terrain or falls of the table or is leaning at an angle on another dice. Some plan it as if it is only on the slightest angle it is cocked others are more leanient. What I want to talk about is what you do when a die is cocked, in our group we just re-roll it whatever the result but I have heard others just saying that is is a fail, the worst possible result, a 4 (on a d6 as it is in the middle) or just disregarding the dice completely (exept in some circumstances like a LD check where it is a different number). So, what's your group like and do you like it. Does it depend on the player or not. Tell us. Thanks for reading,
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Thoughts: your perfect game?
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9:25:00 am
So, I was wondering, what would define a perfect game of 40K. Would it be to smash your opponent and lose no models, to win like a master tactician. Or would it be better for a game where you just lost but is was tight all the way and every decision counted. You tell me, I personaly love the super tight games, you may not. Tell us!
Thanks for reading,
Thanks for reading,
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Feedback: Review of what you want from Gamers World.
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Gamers World
10:50:00 am
So, a while ago I did a poll on what you wanted to see more of on gamers world. Here were the results:
Hi, the other day my poll on what you would like to see more of closed, here are the results:
More tutorials. 16 (76%)
Big projects. 9 (42%)
More interesting armies. 5 (23%)
More news. 1 (4%)
More reports on things like Gamesday. 1 (4%)
More cool tidbits of info. 13 (61%)
Votes: 21
So, a good number of votes but have I achieved what people wanted, lets take them 1 by 1:
Tutorials: I have done a few more and have lots planned, especialy with my Army Finishing Project as I should do 1 for each thing I finish!
Big Projects: Not done so well with this, I haven't had the cash or implication to do it. Maybe late 2010 some will apear, I have half plans!
More Interesting armies: not that many of you wanted to see this but I hope that I am doing alright as I am going to be doing proper good basing on my wolves and am trying to get better conversions in!
News: you didn't want this so I have not delivered, I may do the odd bit but meh!
Reports: When I go to events I will do little ones but you didn't want it that much so again, meh!
Cool tidbits: You like these so I do try, so far there has only really been 2: Kislev (an empire town) being the 3rd letter in the Jewish alphabet and Tau being the 17th (I think) lette in the Greek Alphabet.
So, do you think I've done well. Do you want more of anything, thanks for reading,
Hi, the other day my poll on what you would like to see more of closed, here are the results:
More tutorials. 16 (76%)
Big projects. 9 (42%)
More interesting armies. 5 (23%)
More news. 1 (4%)
More reports on things like Gamesday. 1 (4%)
More cool tidbits of info. 13 (61%)
Votes: 21
So, a good number of votes but have I achieved what people wanted, lets take them 1 by 1:
Tutorials: I have done a few more and have lots planned, especialy with my Army Finishing Project as I should do 1 for each thing I finish!
Big Projects: Not done so well with this, I haven't had the cash or implication to do it. Maybe late 2010 some will apear, I have half plans!
More Interesting armies: not that many of you wanted to see this but I hope that I am doing alright as I am going to be doing proper good basing on my wolves and am trying to get better conversions in!
News: you didn't want this so I have not delivered, I may do the odd bit but meh!
Reports: When I go to events I will do little ones but you didn't want it that much so again, meh!
Cool tidbits: You like these so I do try, so far there has only really been 2: Kislev (an empire town) being the 3rd letter in the Jewish alphabet and Tau being the 17th (I think) lette in the Greek Alphabet.
So, do you think I've done well. Do you want more of anything, thanks for reading,
Monday, 14 December 2009
Army Finishing Project: Much progres on WIPs.
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8:30:00 am
Hi, over the last week or so I have been making progres on my Reedeemer, a terran hands rhino (repainted) and a WIP tac squad. On with the pics:
Here is the Reedeemer The gold was painted iyanden then twice shining gold then very very heavy wash devlan.
I ran our of boltgun so the maetals are mithril silver heavily washed with badab black.
Now for the marines, sorry for bad lighting in these pics.
On these I just did some little things like some highlighting, next is final details and arms/boltguns, should be good when there done!
Finaly the rhino, not many pics at the moment as it is just as you see there. This is just a bog standard job.
So, what do you think. Have you been enjoying the army finishing project, I know I have. Not going to be much warhammer coming my way this christmas but hey ho. Thanks for reading,
This scrawling is related to:
Army finishing project.,
My Army,

Sunday, 13 December 2009
Marines: So typical.
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11:36:00 am
First off I would like to appologise for the lack of posts over the weakend but it's near christmas and I had parties then friends then a plethora of other stuff. Anyway, on with the post:
I know it's been said before but arn't marines just so typical, I mean termies are made to be the sole uber you can't kill me unit in the game and are supposedly easy to use. More acidentaly than for ballance there are other power units like nob bikers but still, termies are predictable but there isn't that much you can do about them without wasting resorces.
The standard marine is that hero, they have a great save, a cool statline and you can just immagine them yelling heroicaly and snapping shots off.
Jump infantry are the hero but even cooler because now they fly! See what I mean.
Marines are typical and predictable but are very powerful, they seem to have no weakness but that is there weakness, jacok of all trades master of none.
So, if you play marines then try out some radical lists/tactics. If you fight them then try and make them play differently,
Thanks for reading,
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Discussions:#12 quality speed painting tips (some of mine included).
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9:21:00 am
Hi, this week I wanted to touch on a topic close to my gaming groups heart. Painting quality and speed painting. Not all of us care but the older guys do, we all like a clean job (that doen's mean not dirty).
Lots of us don't like drybrushing, or should I say over drybrushing. We will drybrush metals and stuff because that gives a good effect but ork skin shouldn't be drybrushed, it makes it look wrong in opinion even just line highlighting or 3 layers are much better! What I'm trying to get across is that by speed mpainting I do not mean losing to much quality, so here are m y top tips:
washes, GW washes are a godsend, Devlan can work on most models for darkening, dirt and a multitude of other things. Badab black is great on metals and darkening. Sepia is great for yellows, weird effects and much more, That's only 3 paints and look how many uses I've just named.
Mixing pots, I need to get some of these. If you have some favorite mixes then mix a load in a pot so it is just ready to use.
Foundation paints, whenever I start an army I buy the appropriate one of these for it. I find that one layer of this then 2 layers of the standard colour makes a really nice smooth finish.
Battle dammage, if you make a mistake, what better way to cover it up!
Reward system, to keep your interest and hence speed of painting give yourself a target and whan you complete each little goal paint something nice that you really want to paint, this is often characters for me!
So, there's my tips, tell us yours. I f you've learned soething tell us that too. Thanks for reading,
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Tutorials: Writing on tanks (11 pics).
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12:00:00 am
Hi, Just thought I'd do the tutorial on how I did the writing on the sally rhinos, reme3mber this isa also a bpart of the army finishing project, here we go:
Step 1, placing: choose where on the model you want the writing, make sure to do this carefully as it is very important.
Step 2, draw it: Get a pice of paper and draw out what you want your writing to say, I called one of my rhinos Fire Drake and the other Carinus. Here is how I drew out Fire Drake.
Step3, paint 1: paint the letters carefully with only simple curls etc, make sure to print it and not join up as this will make it neater.
Step 4, paint 2: Paint on your other locations (I had 2).
Step 5, joining up: It's hard to see butb here I have carefully joined up the letters.
Here are the close-ups of my other tank so you can see the step by step again.
So, what do you think, like it. Do I need to improve anything. Thanks for reading,
This scrawling is related to:
Army finishing project.,

Tuesday, 8 December 2009
(second post of the day!) Tuesday Gaming: Dark Heresy 2, nearly possesed and armory.
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8:15:00 am
So, today I had dark Heresy, unfortunately it was cut short but oh well. We also found out that some people arn't gonna play any more so it's just a ton of phycers and me the unpossesed possesed. Also one sorc was ill today.
To start with we continued from last week with me in the chair with the chaos sorceror (not chaos marine sorc lord as I previously thought) standing over me. I went into this dream about a random chaosy jungle then went to this ocean place and there was a daemonette but I didn't know what it was, it kicked me into the water and becaus I can't roll in Dark Heresy for my life, it thrashed me, when I eventually got to the shore I was trying to land a blow on it but only did three dammage, at the end a bloodletter came up and killed it which meant I failed as I later found out that I had to kill the daemonette before the bloodletter to get possesed. Oh well, I'll have to try again next week.
After finishing that we skipped 4 weeks in which the phycers had been training and stuff, we went into the sorcs chambers and he gave us one use only armory passes, we all trailed off to the armory exept for one guy who was acting stupid and was just given an auto pistol and was not allowed to go to the armory.
First guy goes in and rolls average so get a choice of hvy bolter lascannon bolt pistol or auto pistol, as he is smart he chooses auto pistol which would have been given anyway but he ecaped with his honour intact. Second guy goes in and rolls ridiculously, get a choice of a helmet, flak armour or a bottle with blue liquid inside.
He takes the blue liquid which we later find out makes him better at his phychic ability which is reading objects and seeing their past.
I go in roll almost the worst score you can get and get a choice of rubbish stuff, I end up with a hammer which does 8 dammage rarther than 5 which is still an improvement.
Some other random stuff happened but you get the jist of it.
Thanks for reading,
Army Finishing Project: 2 Sally Rhinos finished.
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12:14:00 am
Hi, Jacob here, I have now finished my two sally rhinos, here is the new army finishing project list:
5pts Reedeemer-built-primered-half painted tutorial: adding that extra bit.
2pts LR-built-painted-needs some slight changes tutorial: repainting.
-2pts 5scouts- built tutorial: cloth
5pts 10sallies- nearly done tutorial: conversions on regular guys.
4pts Rhino-built-primered tutorial: getting nice flat colours and possibly line highlighting.
2pts Dread-needs some repairing and some redoing tutorial: adding to models.
5pts 5assault marines: built tutorial: adding the combat image.
1pts some reapir work. tutorial: probably none.
SPACE WOLVES Tutorials: not sure yet
3pts Drop pod-built
10pts 20 grey hunters- 10 built
-1pts 5wolf scouts-built
3pts 4long fangs-built
4pts Whirlwind-half built
3pts 4wolf guard- built
2pts Rune priest- built
2pts 10 blood claws- need highlights
P.S. I have included the wolf guard joining units in that units cost.
Warriors Of Chaos
6pts 5knights- built-primerd-1 nearly done. tutorial:washes and magic
3pts warshrine-primered-more being added. tutorial: scratch building.
5pts 12 WoC- built primered. tutorial:adding to units maybe
3pts 12 WoC-need details. tutorial:fur
12pts 15 marauder cav- built tutorial: painting black skin maybe more.
10pts 20 marauders- need details tutorial: wood
-4 Palanquin- built- partialy painted tutorial: intricate nurgle
-6 to do but +3 when done Lord on disk tutorial: probably fire.
-3 odd dude from Games Day- built tutorial: random models.
This means that my painting point total stands at: 3 a good start. Here are the pics:
So, tell us what you think. Thanks for reading,
This scrawling is related to:
Army finishing project.,

Monday, 7 December 2009
Scenarios: The running goblin, playing smaller games.
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8:40:00 am
Hi, just thought I'd post up a scenario that I've been thinking up recently. It's for 40k. Here we go:
Board: play this on a 6' by 4' board.
Army sizes: 500-750 pts, only one required troops, only 1 hvy support slot, only elites slots, only 1 unit that can move 24+'' a turn or if you beak this rule you must decide which unit will move this far and all other units can only move up to a max of 18''.
Game length: as normal
Set-up: both sides set up as pitched battle only on the short board edges.
Turns: roll off each game turn at the very start, the winner goes first in each phase. As hinted above you take it in turns to move, then shoot, then assault, then choose combat etc.
Mission: place a goblin or simmilar model in the middle of the board, the goblin has the stat line of a grot but is armed with just a power weapon. The grot runs away from the closest unit, if this brings it within 12'' of another unit then it stops 13'' away. The minimum distance the grot can run each turn is 3'', this overrides the last rule. You can only attack the grot in close combat the grot as it has an imperator class force field around it! This is because of it's stolen generator. If you 'kill' the grot then it does not die, instead it joins the unit as an active member, the unit takes 1 power weapon hit from the grot from each turn. If the unit is killed by close combat then the grot joins the killing unit, if there are multiple the killing player chooses. If the unit is killed by any other means other than close combat then the grot goes on the run again. The player in possesion of the grot at the end of the game wins.
So, what do you think. Have I missed anything. Please help me improve this scenario! Thanks for reading,
Board: play this on a 6' by 4' board.
Army sizes: 500-750 pts, only one required troops, only 1 hvy support slot, only elites slots, only 1 unit that can move 24+'' a turn or if you beak this rule you must decide which unit will move this far and all other units can only move up to a max of 18''.
Game length: as normal
Set-up: both sides set up as pitched battle only on the short board edges.
Turns: roll off each game turn at the very start, the winner goes first in each phase. As hinted above you take it in turns to move, then shoot, then assault, then choose combat etc.
Mission: place a goblin or simmilar model in the middle of the board, the goblin has the stat line of a grot but is armed with just a power weapon. The grot runs away from the closest unit, if this brings it within 12'' of another unit then it stops 13'' away. The minimum distance the grot can run each turn is 3'', this overrides the last rule. You can only attack the grot in close combat the grot as it has an imperator class force field around it! This is because of it's stolen generator. If you 'kill' the grot then it does not die, instead it joins the unit as an active member, the unit takes 1 power weapon hit from the grot from each turn. If the unit is killed by close combat then the grot joins the killing unit, if there are multiple the killing player chooses. If the unit is killed by any other means other than close combat then the grot goes on the run again. The player in possesion of the grot at the end of the game wins.
So, what do you think. Have I missed anything. Please help me improve this scenario! Thanks for reading,
Sunday, 6 December 2009
White Dwarf: #360, The end of the year and a big spanking fortress.
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4:11:00 am
Hi, jacob here. Just thought I'd do my review of the latest issue of white dwarf. I'm experimenting with jump breaks too. To view the full post you must click on the post title otherwise you will only see up to where I mark! Anyway, on with the review:
In this issue:
A year in review.
Old war stories.
Warhammer 40k tactica: planetstrike.
Andy's game-a-week.
A tale of four gamers revisited.
Blood and sand-part 3.
Battlefield challenge.
Crimson fists bitz pack review.
Moddleling workshop special.
Masterclas on vermin lord.
Looks good to me. Anyway, on with the proper bit:
Editorial: just the guy talking about the year and how great it's been. Quite nice.
New releases:
The fortress of redemption. Looks amaxing but is £60 which I can't currently afford.
Space marine megaforce. A pred, a rhino, dread, 20 tac marines, 5 assaulters, 5 sniper scouts. £100. Looks like a good deal if you add up the cost.
Ork megaforce. 40 boyz, 9 warbikers, trukk, 5 lootas/burnas. Don't know how good this is. £100
Empire brigade. 40 state troops, 10 greatswords, 8 knights, 20 handgunners/crossbowmen, 5 outriders/pisoliers, great cannon/mortar. Again £100. Quite like this. Looks good!
Orc and Goblin Brigade. 38 boyz, 10 black orcs, 40 night goblins, 10 spider riders, 10 wolf riders, orc boar chariot. £100. Sounds pretty sweet.
I like these deals expecially around christmas.
Realm of battle game board extensions, basically two pretty plain pieces to make your board 8ft by 4ft. £55. Bit expensive.
Army Figure cases. Both 40k and fantasy are £60. Just the same but new! Looks OK.
Collectors range: Baby dragons. £15. Might be good in objective games but really not that useful or characterful.
The chase.
A rerelase of the food chain, little squig, Goblin, Massive squig.
Do you get the idea. £7.Looks good an quite cheap.
Rerelease of fat of the witch king. £18. I really like this but a bit expensive. Very characterful!
Black Library:
The chronicles of malus darkblade: vol 2. At some point I want to read these but I have uh, 12 books and an audio book before then so maybe next year! My mate really likes these and says there is some humor. £9.99
Forged by chaos: a warhammer online book, looks OK not my thing. £6.99
Titanicus: 7.99. Finally, the paper back version. So much cheaper.
Thunder from Fenris. This is that audio book I want. Thunderwolf riders and zombies, what more could you want. £10.
Forge World: Kill Krusha, Awesome. Think leman russ looted to Terra, then a big mek got hold of it and made it ORKY. Really kool. No price.
To read full post view post directly.
In this issue:
A year in review.
Old war stories.
Warhammer 40k tactica: planetstrike.
Andy's game-a-week.
A tale of four gamers revisited.
Blood and sand-part 3.
Battlefield challenge.
Crimson fists bitz pack review.
Moddleling workshop special.
Masterclas on vermin lord.
Looks good to me. Anyway, on with the proper bit:
Editorial: just the guy talking about the year and how great it's been. Quite nice.
New releases:
The fortress of redemption. Looks amaxing but is £60 which I can't currently afford.
Space marine megaforce. A pred, a rhino, dread, 20 tac marines, 5 assaulters, 5 sniper scouts. £100. Looks like a good deal if you add up the cost.
Ork megaforce. 40 boyz, 9 warbikers, trukk, 5 lootas/burnas. Don't know how good this is. £100
Empire brigade. 40 state troops, 10 greatswords, 8 knights, 20 handgunners/crossbowmen, 5 outriders/pisoliers, great cannon/mortar. Again £100. Quite like this. Looks good!
Orc and Goblin Brigade. 38 boyz, 10 black orcs, 40 night goblins, 10 spider riders, 10 wolf riders, orc boar chariot. £100. Sounds pretty sweet.
I like these deals expecially around christmas.
Realm of battle game board extensions, basically two pretty plain pieces to make your board 8ft by 4ft. £55. Bit expensive.
Army Figure cases. Both 40k and fantasy are £60. Just the same but new! Looks OK.
Collectors range: Baby dragons. £15. Might be good in objective games but really not that useful or characterful.
The chase.
A rerelase of the food chain, little squig, Goblin, Massive squig.
Do you get the idea. £7.Looks good an quite cheap.
Rerelease of fat of the witch king. £18. I really like this but a bit expensive. Very characterful!
Black Library:
The chronicles of malus darkblade: vol 2. At some point I want to read these but I have uh, 12 books and an audio book before then so maybe next year! My mate really likes these and says there is some humor. £9.99
Forged by chaos: a warhammer online book, looks OK not my thing. £6.99
Titanicus: 7.99. Finally, the paper back version. So much cheaper.
Thunder from Fenris. This is that audio book I want. Thunderwolf riders and zombies, what more could you want. £10.
Forge World: Kill Krusha, Awesome. Think leman russ looted to Terra, then a big mek got hold of it and made it ORKY. Really kool. No price.
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Saturday, 5 December 2009
Fluff/fun tips: Where the word Tau comes from and an interesting discussion.
These ludicrous thoughts were scrawled by
Gamers World
7:17:00 am
I was going to do another collect up thingy but I couldn't think of anything. I found this interesting discussion though. Link below:
Hive mind Vs Eye of Terror.
Thanks for reading,
Also I found out that Tau is the 19th letter of the greek alphabet.
Hive mind Vs Eye of Terror.
Thanks for reading,
Also I found out that Tau is the 19th letter of the greek alphabet.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Dark Heresy: What we did on Tuesday.
These ludicrous thoughts were scrawled by
Gamers World
12:15:00 am
Hi, because of the recent interest in dark heresy here on my blog I thought I would give you a quick rundown on what happened on tuesday.
We woke up in a gun pit on a chaos cruiser after being cptured in various ways. None of us now our powers and we all have a weak weapon like a knife or a wrench. A tall man with a whip comes in and says get to work. Most of us do but one goes and asks him why. He gets whipped. Another goes up to him. The whip cracks right by his ear so he asks again, this time the whip just cartches his ear and he stumbles back.
Once we get the chance we jump on the guy and slaughter him. We move on from the gun pit into a large chamber. There are some slaves on drugs there that look manic. We go up and succesfully kill them. BANG! 3 orcs burst in we turn around and fight them, I get hit but the others finish them off.
There are some glints in the room, these are needles. Two of our phykers get injected and take a minor mutation. I hit a button and we find out the room is a gas chamber. The gas causes the rest of us to also have minor mutations. When we wake up there is a shadow in the corner. A couple of guys run up, I go up and put a knife to his throat thinking he was an enemy. He shoots me with his bolt vpistol saying he is not and ememy, I get knocked out.
He takes the rest of them to a library, some of them take wunds from daemon books. A chaos sorceror lord comes in and takes all of them (exept for me) and teaches them how to use there powers, In some conversation some of them learn more and some get better accomadation (wounds get healed). Eventualy he wakes me up and sits me on a chair....
To be comtinued...
Overall it was a great game with lots of zapping and funny remarks and situations. I am getting posessed next time by a khornate daemon.Yay me! Time for some real fun. I know the story is weak at the moment but we wanted to jump straight into action.
Thanks for reading,
We woke up in a gun pit on a chaos cruiser after being cptured in various ways. None of us now our powers and we all have a weak weapon like a knife or a wrench. A tall man with a whip comes in and says get to work. Most of us do but one goes and asks him why. He gets whipped. Another goes up to him. The whip cracks right by his ear so he asks again, this time the whip just cartches his ear and he stumbles back.
Once we get the chance we jump on the guy and slaughter him. We move on from the gun pit into a large chamber. There are some slaves on drugs there that look manic. We go up and succesfully kill them. BANG! 3 orcs burst in we turn around and fight them, I get hit but the others finish them off.
There are some glints in the room, these are needles. Two of our phykers get injected and take a minor mutation. I hit a button and we find out the room is a gas chamber. The gas causes the rest of us to also have minor mutations. When we wake up there is a shadow in the corner. A couple of guys run up, I go up and put a knife to his throat thinking he was an enemy. He shoots me with his bolt vpistol saying he is not and ememy, I get knocked out.
He takes the rest of them to a library, some of them take wunds from daemon books. A chaos sorceror lord comes in and takes all of them (exept for me) and teaches them how to use there powers, In some conversation some of them learn more and some get better accomadation (wounds get healed). Eventualy he wakes me up and sits me on a chair....
To be comtinued...
Overall it was a great game with lots of zapping and funny remarks and situations. I am getting posessed next time by a khornate daemon.Yay me! Time for some real fun. I know the story is weak at the moment but we wanted to jump straight into action.
Thanks for reading,
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Discussion: #11 what you want from 40K at the moment.
These ludicrous thoughts were scrawled by
Gamers World
12:54:00 pm
I know that lots of discussions like this are floating around but i mean something different. I mean if a 5.2ed came out for 40k what changes would you want or what would you want from newer codexs. I mean I would like to see Dark Eldar be able to dash everywhere and destroy things but be very fragile.
So, what do you think. What do you want to see.
Thanks for reading,
So, what do you think. What do you want to see.
Thanks for reading,
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