Hi, Jacob here, I have now finished my two sally rhinos, here is the new army finishing project list:
5pts Reedeemer-built-primered-half painted tutorial: adding that extra bit.
2pts LR-built-painted-needs some slight changes tutorial: repainting.
-2pts 5scouts- built tutorial: cloth
5pts 10sallies- nearly done tutorial: conversions on regular guys.
4pts Rhino-built-primered tutorial: getting nice flat colours and possibly line highlighting.
2pts Dread-needs some repairing and some redoing tutorial: adding to models.
5pts 5assault marines: built tutorial: adding the combat image.
1pts some reapir work. tutorial: probably none.
SPACE WOLVES Tutorials: not sure yet
3pts Drop pod-built
10pts 20 grey hunters- 10 built
-1pts 5wolf scouts-built
3pts 4long fangs-built
4pts Whirlwind-half built
3pts 4wolf guard- built
2pts Rune priest- built
2pts 10 blood claws- need highlights
P.S. I have included the wolf guard joining units in that units cost.
Warriors Of Chaos
6pts 5knights- built-primerd-1 nearly done. tutorial:washes and magic
3pts warshrine-primered-more being added. tutorial: scratch building.
5pts 12 WoC- built primered. tutorial:adding to units maybe
3pts 12 WoC-need details. tutorial:fur
12pts 15 marauder cav- built tutorial: painting black skin maybe more.
10pts 20 marauders- need details tutorial: wood
-4 Palanquin- built- partialy painted tutorial: intricate nurgle
-6 to do but +3 when done Lord on disk tutorial: probably fire.
-3 odd dude from Games Day- built tutorial: random models.
This means that my painting point total stands at: 3 a good start. Here are the pics:
So, tell us what you think. Thanks for reading,