Hi, just a quick post today. It's an update on things to come.
Tutorials: None of you hav come up with any ideas yet for tutorials I could do but I have thought of a couple:
1) How to paint dark skin
2) How to paint blood.
3) 3D blood (as in blood dripping ffom a sword) tutorial.
Please let me know whether you preffer painting tutorials or converting etc. If you don't mind then tell me that aswell.
My stuff: at the momment I am pushing on giving you info and things I have found. the thing I am trying to keep on doing is what I started this blog for. To show you my stuff. Just to let you know that my stuff will still be a part of this blog.
The last thing i have to say is that I am still trying to post every day. I hope you like it.
Thanks for reading,
Jacob out